How to Accept the License Agreement in Rocket League on Switch

Rocket League is an exciting car-based soccer game available on the Nintendo Switch that requires players to accept a license agreement before they can start playing. The license agreement contains important information about the game`s usage rights, rules, and regulations. In this article, we will guide you on how to accept the license agreement in Rocket League on the Switch.

Step 1: Launching the Game

The first step is to launch Rocket League on the Nintendo Switch. Once the game starts, you will see a splash screen with a message that urges you to accept the license agreement.

Step 2: Reading the License Agreement

Before you accept the license agreement, it is essential to read it carefully. You can do this by clicking the “View License Agreement” button on the splash screen. This will open a new window containing the full license agreement.

Step 3: Accepting the License Agreement

Once you have read the license agreement, you can accept it by clicking the “I Agree” button at the bottom of the document. By clicking the button, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to the terms of the license agreement.

Step 4: Enjoying the Game

After accepting the license agreement, you will be directed to the main menu of Rocket League. From there, you can start playing the game and enjoy all its features.


Accepting the license agreement in Rocket League on the Nintendo Switch is a straightforward process that takes just a few clicks. However, it is essential to read the license agreement carefully before accepting it to avoid any legal issues related to the game`s usage. By following this guide, you can quickly and efficiently accept the license agreement and start playing Rocket League on your Nintendo Switch.